July 17, 2011

Spotlight on baby bucket list item: Launch business

So I figured that since I put up my baby bucket list, i could elaborate on the things that are on the list and why I included them.

So the item that I am spotlighting today is launch my business. To me, this is one of the most important items on my list....in fact, its one of the requisite items there. I'm not going to go into what my business is (if you wanna know that, im blogging about it here) but instead i want to talk about why I deem it so important.

So yea, i included launching my own business on my baby bucket list primarily because I want to be a WAHM (work at home mom)...and moreover a WAH family. I dont want to have to deal with paltry maternity leaves and expensive daycare and being sad all day at work while i miss my baby and hoping that the daycare provider I hired treats my baby well while Im away and having to choose between my career and family all the time and on and on and on. I am very much a proponent of doing for yourself instead of flitting from job to job hoping that someone else will pay you for the lifestyle you want.

I want to be able to create, maintain and pass on a legacy to my children and hopefully grandchildren and to me a job does not do that. My views may seem particularly strong on this issue because other than being on my baby bucket list, launching my own business is just one of my life goals, period. I guess I just feel particularly resentful of the whole go to school, get good grades, graduate college, work a job until you die (cause there really is no such thing as retirement from a job) paradigm. Its been proven over and over that it doesnt work and I want to show my children better things (this commercial illustrates the way i feel perfectly lol)

So yea, if you'd like to hear more of my beautiful rantings on that you can visit my other blog, but that is why I have it on my bucket list. I'd like to have it up and running before we TTC so that should we be so blessed to conceive sooner than later, I can leave my job. Also, launching my business is a huge part of my financial preparations for having a family.

What are your financial goals for TTCing? Are they included on your baby bucket list?

July 16, 2011

My baby bucket list

So one of the things us baby-over-planners like to do is have a baby bucket list set up to help guide use along the road to pregnancy/motherhood. A baby bucket list is a list of all the things you want to experience and/or accomplish before you become pregnant with a baby. This is PERFECT for planners so that we can proudly check things off the list as we go....makes us feel accomplished and all that lol.

I'm going to start mine here. Keep in mind this list could be and has been much longer than it is and some of the items may be 'like-to's" (noted by a '*') than actual requirements of mine.

My Baby Bucket list (in no certain order)

Launch business
Pay off back taxes
Pay off car loan
Pay off credit cards
save baby fund and/or emergency fund
Get physically fit (become a lifting goddess YES! lol)
Shore up nutritional stores(up the FCLO, folate supplement, veggies and protein in general)
Get a puppy*
Read more black history/literature books*
establish a home church
make some new friends*
establish consistent bible study/prayer/devotion life with the Lord
strengthen marriage

I believe that if i at least make headway on each of these things through thr second half of this year, I will be well on my way to TTCing next July! Im so excited!

July 11, 2011

Hey there

Im up really late, but im on vacation so its cool lol. At any rate, im still kicking over here tho sadly nothin much has changed since my almost year old last update. Still broke, still no babies, still working, etc etc etc.

But now things are a slightly different.

I'm fed up with waiting. Im sick and tired of being sick and tired.

So I have given myself a deadline. TTCing by July 2012 or not at all. PERIOD. So basically, im giving myself the next 12 months to get my act together. And this can start tomorrow if I want to as I have a networking event to attend so that I can get the contacts I need to get my biz jumping.

Why this new resolve seeing as ive been baby lusting since 2006?

Well, its like this. I am slowly realizing that the life im living while is nice, is not the life I want. PERIOD. And to get the life I want, im gonna have to get uncomfortable. Im comfortable and I cant remain comfortable to bring about change.

Im tired of watching all my peers (and younger) creating the families they want. Cute lil babies left and right taunt me when i log onto my Facebook. My husband is pretty babyfied right now thanks to his SAHD friends who have been egging him on. His best friend and his wife still arent pregnant yet (that we know of), but im sure once that happens, all reproductive hell will break loose lol.

Im just tired. And being on this vacation for the last week has shown me just how tired ive become. Living my life the way I want to day to day has been darn near orgasmic. I cant believe how much better I feel and how much stuff I have the energy to do now that im home instead of up in a cold, stressful office all day. Not say that the stress factor wont rise at home once i get my biz going, but it will be MY stress. The stress that will get me free. And that I can and will live with, naamean?

Anywho, so yea...July 2012..I plan to be be baby dancing with the hubster. If he had his way, we'd baby dance now and he'd be SAHD galore, but, I cannt see myself leaving my baby all day, even if they are home with hubby (no offense to the WOHM's out there, ya'll rock!).

Now I just have to work backwards. Ive made a list of things that need to happen between now and July 2012, so that's a good starting point. Making it to this networking event tomorrow night is the next. Sigh, pray for me ya'll.

Baby steps, right? Heh. Right!