September 27, 2010

Fertility and reaching your dreams

I have to remember to post everyday (my goal) cause stuff happens and then i tend to forget about it for a few days when I actually meant to post it up. ANYWHO, lol

So today, i had my annual (only i was long over due, so it was more than an annual lol) gynecological exam or Pap Smear for those who are more inclined. I looked up my new doc online and she got rave reviews so I figured why not. Ladies....., come in close for a second....what IS it about us that we gotta PREPARE for the gyno like we do? Yes, i did everything, made sure my legs were freshly shaved, made sure the star of the day was freshly groomed, lol, diligently held my pee just in case they wanted me to pee in a cup (some gynos do the requisite pregnancy test, whether you think you're pregnant or not) and even did the "Fold my clothes neatly on the chair" thing when it was time to change into the gown, lol. I just think its funny the lengths us women go through to make sure we and everyone else involved are comfortable, lol.

Thankfully, this gyno was just as advertised, professional, prompt, quick even (the actual pap smear lasted less than 60 seconds, i tell you!) and thorough. She complimented my previous doctor's good surgical skills on my breast lumpectomy scars (yes, ladies continue to do your self breast exams PLEASE) and she even had warmed instruments which was thoughtful.

The ONLY thing i didnt appreciate, though i figure she had to mention it, was that she gave me the whole "You're turning 31 next month, so don't wait too long to have babies because fertility declines as we age...yatta yatta yatta" SIGH. Like, really?! LAWD. Way to ease on the pressure, Doc. *insert sarcastic thumbs up here*

Hubby and I of COURSE want kids. It doesn't make it any easier that Ive essentially been baby lusting since, oh about, 2006 or so and now ALL of our peers are up and getting pregnant. But there is a little thing called financial stability that we absolutely will NOT budge on. And right now with hubby looking for work, us paying down debt and me being the ONLY source of regular income in the household, having a baby seems like THE most irresponsible thing we could do. To us, it would be like someone on food stamps going out and buying a Lexus. Only the Lexus gets more and more expensive as time goes on. i dunno, bad analogy, but ya'll know what I mean. But I didn't and I wasn't going to break that down to Doc, i just nodded my head and let her know that I understood.

Are we PURPOSEFULLY tryna wait until my fertility is about gone?! NO, we AREN'T tryna wait at all! If we had the funds/financial security right now, I think we'd go for it, cause i mean, im about to turn 31 and hubby will turn 34 in March. Yea, he is entering his mid 30's now. I hope that this birthday hits him hard, but it probably won't, lol. Hubby has a tainch (yes, a TAINCH, thas country for a little bit lol) of baby fever, he really gets it when he sees a cute lil kid on tv or even in real life nearby. But i think he'll REALLY get it when his best friend and his wife finally conceive. They've told hubby that they are planning to start trying in the next year. But see, they are THE PICTURE of financial stability. They have a house, the husband is a dentist and the wife works in hospital admin, they have a beautifully affordable house here in Texas and the only debt besides their house is their student loans. Look, i know I need to quit counting folks money and concentrate on my own. Hubby and I are trying...but lawd, i dunno. At this rate it feels like we'll never get to that point. Hubby does have a good idea about selling his Bronco and then using the funds to get us ahead and then buying a cheaper reliable car. Im a little skeptical, but if he feels its a good move, I trust him. And frankly, i DONT want to be in this financial position this time next year (and ive made moves to help ensure this).

Ideally, i want to start trying to conceive when i have enough passive income from my real estate biz to at least cover rent and utilities. That would also mean we would have a cushion in the bank and be in good position to get a house to live in of our own, if we so choose (and right now, im good, we LOVE our apartment, but we know babies may not lol). I also would like a dog first and for a long time i had my heart set on a purebred Airedale, but ive been slowly trying to let go of that idea, because i want hubby to be involved in choosing the dog as well, so im thinking towards the end of this year, we may roll down to our local rescue and see what's up.

Anyway, this post is entirely too long and i still havent covered everything I wanted to cover (is it cool to post more than once a people get annoyed by that? hmmm...), but I think i'll stop here.

Theme song of the post:

September 22, 2010

Trying new things

Soooo, how about i got stood up this past Monday night on my first weeknight out in years!? lol It makes me laugh but it wasn't as harsh as it sounds, but lawd.

So my coworkers are heavy into the whole "Hey, let's go out and do this, this and this." type thing. I've never been one to hang with coworkers outside of work, basically because i feel like i spend way too much of my life at work, so why would i wanna HANG with the very people i see everyday, all day, right?

BUT, these coworkers are generally a little cooler than those in the past, so i figured WHY NOT. I had a coworker ask me out to hang at a local blues/soul food spot here in town and i figured I would take her up on it, especially since the cover charge was cheap, lol. So i get all gussied up and head out to the spot, feeling all proud that im essentially now up past my lil bedtime to go have a good time with my coworker in a new spot I could eventually bring hubby too.

I get there in GREAT time, had a real easy time finding the place and even got a decent parking spot (there was only street parking).

Now, background is needed phone all day that day was dying and needed to be charged. So, after i got off work, i promptly plugged it in, because since it was dying, i was unable to save my coworker's phone number in my phone, but she tried to call my phone anyway, so i could at least have her phone number for that night. Bet. I leave for the place, my phone is all charged up, but what i did not know was that even tho my phone is charged, you have to turn the "radio" on, so that it reestablishes its connection so you can call and text out. I didnt realize this until i got to the spot and tried to text the hubby that i made it and it told me the radio was off. Ok cool, turn the radio on. In floods these text messages from my coworker basically telling me that her friends flaked on her and that we would do the blues spot another Monday. But how bout the texts were sent literally MINUTES after i had arrived at the place! lol So i hit her back on some, Im here, what's up? She feels bad and offers to come out herself anyway, but i tell her not to go through the trouble, it was late and i would just roll home. As a consolation, she bought me breakfast the next day. That was decent of her.

So yea, that was the exciting start to my week. I feel like an old empty nester or some such who hasnt been out in years and got stood up by her younger, hipper coworker, lol. In the back of my mind, i think i got stood up because I let her know that i dont drink. I mean, i'll sip on some wine here and then, but, nah, i dont get down alcohol wise. She literally gaffawed at me and asked if I was allergic, lol. So yea, me thinks that she wasnt siced to hang out with a square like me, lol. Im prolly putting too much on it, but yea, lol.

At any rate, today is hump Wednesday and im hyped, because i have my own 3 day weekend this weekend. Im taking a sick day from work on Monday to visit the old hoo hoo doctor ...the gyno, lol. Im way overdue, but yea, its not pleasant and i have too many sick days, so i figured hey, take the day off, do it up, lol. Ima try and pamper myself the rest of the day and errything.

Plus, i need this weekend to retool my goals. Summer is FINALLY over (not that i hate summer or anything but its been a suckey one for us this year), Autumn is officially here (er, well, at 11:09pm tonight it will be here lol). I got some folks i need to touch base with, i have some real foods to reup on, and if i have any funds, i need to get on buying me some weights as we sold ours (yea, it was a BAD summer :^\ ).

Theme song for this post:

September 19, 2010

*Dusts blog off* Well,hello there!

*cough* *cough* Lord, I certainly have been gone for a long while, lol. Didnt mean for that to happen, but OMG, i feel sorry for the handful of folks that may have been looking at this blog, lol. I really hate it when bloggers i follow or just like for that matter, leave for extended amounts of time. Im always like, 'HEY, just close your blog if you dont wanna write in it, GEEZ!" lol

Now, look at me, been gone for...*squints*, well, over a year, lol. Well, here I am, im alive, im kicking, no babies (yet), but we have moved (yay!) but still on the broke side (booo!) and the business hasn't started just yet (but Im laying the foundation right this time).

At any rate, just to reintroduce myself, Im a 30 (soon to be 31!) year old woman newly living in Central Texas with my awesome husband of 6 years (woo hoo!). Thus far, we are childless, but are baby lusting in the meantime while we build the foundation we feel we need to bring children into this world. We have aspirations of being a work at home family, me with a booming real estate biz with fulltime dreams of being my own urban farmer and helping others with community farms and hubby with his lovely music sites and graphic design. We're getting it done, ya'll.

Right now, we are coming out of a pretty hard summer, on all fronts, health wise, household wise, spiritually, relationship wise, and most of all financially. You know, we were attacked on all sides, basically, but we are STILL.STANDING and Im proud of that. There is so much to be done, I'd love to roll it up all in one post, but I dont wanna bore you on my first post back after being gone for ages, lol.

I hope that this blog doesn't become too scatterbrained because some of the interests I have are REAL traditional food and cooking of said food (this isn't your ordinary and you'll soon see why lol), strength training (it seems most women bloggers are heavy on the cardio, whereas i gravitate to just picking up heavy stuff, lol), entrepreneurship (or anything alluded to escaping and/or reforming the traditional corporate america paradigm), cultivating meaningful relationships, travel (I have yet to set foot overseas as an adult, but have just about been all over the country), and embarking on parenthood (yea, this needs to start happening soon, lol).

At any rate, I hope this post finds you well, whomever and wherever you are and I do look forward to posting more often. :)

Theme song for this post: