June 30, 2009

Aaah, another holiday looms...

Welp, the 4th of July looms every nearer and well, hubby and i have NO PLANS whatsoever. A three day weekend allll to ourselves *imagines my future mama-self wishing she could go back to being present-me*

Is it bad that im really happy i have the freedom* to do what i want, when i want especially during the holidays...but when the holiday actually gets there, I wish I had my own family to share it with? Its a strange dichotomy to live in, you know?

Any holiday that comes up, i get a giddiness that hubby and I will share in slept-in mornings in bed, eat glorious food the way we want and laze the days away and then popping up for our patented late night runs to get junk food. Cant do that with a baby in tow, now can we?

So WHY am I daydreaming about us having kids around whenever a holiday comes around? I visualize us experiencing the holiday through their eyes...taking them on cool discovery trips out of town, waking them up early to fix them a bountiful breakfast, eating good foods throughout the day and then feasting like giggling pigs for dinner, dressing them up in the finest holiday fare and just watching them take it all in. I cant have both, right?

Sometimes i think, cool down chick, this may be the last such and such holiday you have alone. That gives me peace for like, 5 minutes, lol. I dont even know what im being impatient for! lol

At any rate, im just going to imagine that this very well be my last 4th of july pre-kids and that my future mama-self is FIERCELY jealous of present-me right now lol.

Have a safe weekend, everyone!

*there's no real freedom cause we're broke, so we couldnt go out and do anything we wanted even if we wanted to lol

June 28, 2009

Im still here, lol.

Nothing new here...im still baby lusting, trying to stay positive that come this time next year, we will be gearing up to TTC. So much has to happen between then and now tho. Hubby still has no job, my business is still...sigh..i dunno, i have very little monies to invest in getting it started and hubby's unemployment is about to run out so im feeling really down about it all. We still gotta move (which cant happen until our current lease is up, but still), gotta get some savings going and a baby fund going and i'd like to procure a puppy before we get started (thas a want not a need lol).

So i dunno, im just feeling very blah about it all. Father's day was kinda awkward as i felt some kind of way that hubby still isnt a father and im sure hubby felt some kind of way that he's 32 years old and still not a father. We feel like we're stuck in some of the thickest mud.

But there is a way. There always is a way and we will find it.

June 10, 2009


Aight, i TOLD ya'll i suck at this blogging thing, but ima get better, I promise *puts hand on her heart*

So anyway, I've been dealing with that dreaded, green-eyed monster called....jealousy. Blah. Its SO unlike me. Where'd it come from you ask? Well, i found out a good friend from my recent past is newly pregnant with her and her hubby. I am utterly THRILLED for them because they are such good people and i really do love them dearly. HOWEVER, i think it hit me so bad because...well...she reminds me of me, lol. We are a lot alike in the way we think, act, our lives are sort of similar, etc. On top of the new pregnancy, they just bought a new place (something else hubby and I are working on). So, yea, tho I am happy for them, i did get jealous.

There is just so much to DOO though, i have NO BUSINESS being jealous. Plus, i know that the reason grass seems greener on the side is primarily due to the all the -ahem- fertilizer that was applied to it, you know what im saying? Everything goes through something and im sure that they went through their trials to get to where they are.

But Lord knows *I* can hardly wait to be at that place in my life. It seems SO far away. And i dont make it no better by visiting parenting sites, subscribing to blogs and vlogs about pregnancy, babies and parenting. I mean, i am learning a LOT (at this point, i probably know more about pregnancy, childbirth and babies than most parents out there lol), but I also recognize that it can be a way to "measure" myself up against other people and that's not good.

I try to remind myself that one day I will look back and WISH I was in this place...no kids...no pets, noone to take care of but myself, lots of sleeping in and relaxing and coming and going when i please. Sigh. So WHY do I want to give all of that up?