May 23, 2009

Ok, ima tell folk RIGHT NOW, im not great at this blogging thing, lol. I have another blog about my business that I barely pay attention to (that will change here soon), but this one will be a little more all inclusive.

So, i asked myself, just what do I want this blog to be about? In my heart of hearts, I want this blog to be about my journey to motherhood. But i know full well that could veer off course or even take a turn, lol. But anywho, until then, I think that's what my focus will be and then I can just fill in the gaps with whatever.

At any rate, to begin where I am, hubby and I just got back from an impromptu night out bowling. Bowling is one our favorite "couple hobbies" and it was a pretty rare event as we are bonified homebodies. However, hubby has been laid off from his job since Feb of this year, just tryin to figure out what to do with himself and he just wanted to get out of the house. So we had good fun and the bowling alley was lovely.

Only thing about it was the alley was chock FULL of families. Including the ones at our lanes. This one little cute girl was so small that she needed the little pre-bowler helper stand that little kids can set their ball on and then it rolls down the stand and into the lane to see how many pins they can aim at. She was SOO cute and hubby cooed over how cute she was (he also didnt know they had bowling contraptions like that for the kids).

So goes how we view kids as of now. They seem to be untouchable...unreachable for us. We want them, but we recognize that right now, we can hardly afford ourselves, let alone a child. So we are waiting (waiting isnt the right word, but working on) for our financial picture to improve. But in the meantime, we coo and awe over the cute kids we see when we are out and how we would parent them and other sappy junk like that.

On one hand, it feels good to know that money is pretty much the only thing stopping us from having kids right now but then it totally SUCKS to know that THAT is the only thing holding us back. But babies need more than love, money keeps the lights on and food in the house, you know? Plus we are dead set on providing our children with a better life than we had.

Meanwhile, i have raging baby fever (tho it can cool from time to time, i'll admit) and all my colleagues and friends are having kids or have long been parents. Hubby and I are late as far as they're concerned. Blah. We have a different timetable, sue us, lol.

Anyway, it was nice to get see what the future may look like too. Felt nice.